Friday, September 30, 2011

And God Created Genetic Disorders

 A few months ago, a few of the chicken eggs hatched on the farm and we had a bunch of new chicks to look after. We first placed them in a brooder-cage, but when they started digging their way out of there, we took them in our house until we’d be able to fix the cage. And so, they raced around in our house, having the time of their life. All of them, but one.

This one little orange chick would only take a few steps at a time and then drop down and just sit there, resting. We had a look at her legs and saw that her feet and legs had just gotten a growth-spurt. We figured she was adapting to her new legs and how it affected her body and balance. orangeBut after a few weeks, she still was only able to stumble and spent most of her time sitting or laying down. She was eating, drinking and shitting just fine, so there was no indication of an illness she was suffering from. We gave her all the support we were able to think of, but nothing helped. Actually, it looked like matters only got worse. Her legs looked and felt like rubber – there was no structure or strength in them and they were simply unable to keep her upright.

We then did some research and found out that she was suffering from a genetic disorder. The chick was suffering from a protein-deficiency and in order to be able to grow her feathers – which requires a lot of protein – her body was extracting the proteins from her bones and re-allocating them to feather-growth. This resulted in her bones feeling like rubber and her not being able to stand or walk.

We immediately placed her on a cat-food diet and after a good month of high level protein intake, she started first being able to hold herself up, then started taking a few steps at a time and eventually was able to walk and even run.

Now – why would an almighty God create an existence where this type of genetic disorders occur?? How much effort would it take – for a God – to correct the genetic design of chickens, so that such suffering doesn’t exist?? Because – remember, if we hadn’t been there and if it had just been the chick and her mother, the mother would have abandoned or killed her – because she was too weak to make it.

How can God make such stupid mistakes – where a baby’s body starts eating away at its own bones to be able to grow feathers? You cannot possibly tell me that this is God’s way of punishing the chick – what did the chick ever do to him? She was born with this. She didn’t even have a chance to live – how sinful could she be to deserve the death penalty before she’s even gotten out of her egg properly?

And this applies to all genetic disorders. Why do children have to pay for the sins of their parents? If parents created their own disorders through acting in sin – well, maybe I would understand God not stepping in and saying “sort out your own shit”. But to pass on these disorders through the DNA to the children who haven’t even set foot on this Earth yet? What the hell is that all about??

If God were forgiving – he would make sure all children are born in forgiveness – he would make sure that no child has to pay for what his or her parents did, or their grandparents, or the the generation before that and before that and before that! I mean – if God were forgiving, it’s the least he could do!

Since genetic disorders currently run rampant – both within the animal kingdom as in human beings – you have to wonder: where is God in all this? And if God were to exist, can he really be good, loving and forgiving? Nope. Not with the catastrophe of a world that we live in today.

No – if God exists, he is not a good, loving and forgiving God. If God exists, he is a spiteful sadist who enjoys to enslave beings for eternity without giving them a solution to get themselves out, dooming them to unending suffering. Hm, sounds much like the Devil and…. hm, sounds a lot like human beings too. If human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, then we reflect the true nature of God. And the true nature of human beings can be seen within what human beings have created and manifested.

Have a look at the current money system – it works with passing on the debts of the parents to the children as well. Children are not born in forgiveness because not all children have equal opportunities. Dependent on where you live, who your parents are and who their parents were – will determine most of who you will be and how easily you’ll be able to generate money in the world; will determine whether you get to live or whether you have child debtto struggle to survive, day in and day out. See: exactly the same as with genetic disorders, as ‘faults’ that are being passed on from generation to generation through the DNA. The same goes with how parents’ performance and financial position determines the kind of life their child will lead.

I’d say we don’t wait for God to come and fix his creation. It’s obvious he doesn’t care anyways. If we want to be saved, we’re going to have to do it ourselves. If we want to live in a different world, we have to change the starting point of Life. The current starting point of Life is: DEBT. Both within the physical/DNA as in the money-system – because we are born with the debts and sins of those that have gone before us.

The starting point of Life should be Forgiveness. When a being comes into the world, he/she should be unconditionally forgiven and start their life in forgiveness – clear – empty – not carrying with them the mistakes of the past of those that have gone before them. This sounds lovely – but how can it practically be done?

To free the future children of the world, we require to stop the cycle of ‘The Sins of the Fathers’ – this we do through taking responsibility for who and what we exist as, as the totality of ourselves. Each genetic disorder is a manifested consequences, which has an origin-point. It is for each one to find and identify those origin-points, release them and re-align our design. This is practically done through self-honesty, self-forgiveness and self-corrective action. Through this – we stop the application of simply passing on our shit to the next generation and the next generation and the next generation. Instead: we have a look at the shit that is here, that has accumulated over eons of time: and we take self-responsibility for it. Sort ourselves out – clean ourselves up – remove the shit. That way – when new children come into the world – they are not born within disadvantage – they are born within opportunity.

To correct the cycle of ‘The Sins of the Fathers’ in the money-system can be done through implementing an Equal Money System – a system wherein each being unconditionally receives the amount of money required to sustain himself. This would mean that a child that comes into the world is financially supported – immediately – equally. They don’t take on the debt of their parents – they are unconditionally forgiven and are able to live their own life.

If God were good and loving and forgiving and man is made in the image and likeness of God – then surely this would be the type of monetary system that would be in use today. But it’s not – and God is not good, loving and forgiving.

Then remains the question: who do we want to be? Who do we want our children to be? What do we wish for the next generations? Do we want to be remembered in thoughts of hatred and resentment for what we left behind? Or do we stop and change the world around?

Stop waiting for God, people – you’re wasting your time. Instead – do what you would want God to do for you. It’s not above our human capacity – we just have to get off our lazy asses and get moving!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What are Currency Exchange Rates and Why do they Keep on Changing?

Economics – and anything remotely related to it – has always seemed to me like something that I ‘just don’t’ and ‘just won’t’ understand – and therefore, I just accepted it. I experienced it as a ‘big scary monster’ that I should try to steer away from as much as possible – and that’s exactly what I did. Consequently, I remained unaware of the mechanics of the economic system and interacted with it on a strictly ‘need-to-know’ basis.

And so – for instance – up until a few days, I had actually no clue of what ‘currency exchange rates’ are. As most people, I’m aware of how they play a role in calculating the value of a good or service from one currency to another – or how, when I go abroad and require cash in a different currency, the amount of foreign currency I receive, will be calculated according to these currency exchange rates. But – what they actually are and why they keep on changing: nope, no idea.

So – what are currency exchange rates? To answer that question – we first require to have a closer look at international trade – meaning: imports and exports.

As you are probably aware, not all products that are consumed within a certain country, are necessarily produced within that country. To gain access to goods and services that are not available – or not cheaply available – within the borders of one’s own country, products are imported from abroad.

As with any product being sold on a market – an exchange takes place. We exchange money for goods and services – and the same applies to imports (goods imported from abroad). Now, how does this work. Let’s illustrate it with a fictional example: when corn is imported from South Africa to Belgium, Belgium – or someone in Belgium – will require to pay for this corn in South African Rands. To be able to do that, the buyer will need to acquire South African Rands, because Euros are not a valid means of exchange in South Africa. And – like most things in this world: South African Rands can be acquired, through paying for them.

Indeed – what happens whenever one wishes to purchase goods from a country where your currency is not valid – is that you first have to buy the other country’s money, so that you’re able to use that money to make payments in the other country.

In the example of a Belgian buying corn from South Africa: The Belgian will first require to buy South African Rands with his Euros. Only once he has bought the South African Rands, can he proceed with purchasing the corn in South Africa.

‘Naturally’ – when we’re on holiday and we buy an ice-cream using our credit card, for instance, we don’t experience it as though we first buy foreign money and then, with the foreign currency, buy our ice-cream – both transactions, the exchange of currencies and the purchase of the ice-cream, happen simultaneously. However, it is important to understand that the exchange of one currency to another operates according to the same principles as any other purchase in the ‘free market’ economy. Currencies are goods that that are bought and sold – so, an exchange rate is really nothing else but the ‘price’ of a particular currency, expressed in a different currency. That wasn’t too bad, now, was it?

Now – the second question: why do exchange rates change all the time?

The answer to this question is implied within the answer to the question of what an exchange rate is: it is a price – and as such, it is subject to the two major ‘forces’ in the ‘free’ market economy, namely: supply and demand.

So – let us have a brief look at what is referred to by ‘supply’ and ‘demand’ and how those two act as ‘forces’ that influence prices. Again, I’ll illustrate with a fictional example:

Let’s say that on the market of apples, there are 5 available apples, but there are 10 people who each want to buy an apple. We say that 5 apples are supplied and 10 apples are demanded. How, within the ‘free’ market economy, is it determined who gets an apple and who doesn’t? Through the price of the apple. What is done in a situation where the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied, is – the price is adjusted in such a way that the quantity demanded drops and becomes equal to the quantity supplied. In apple-terms: There are 5 apples supplied (quantity supplied) and 10 apples demanded (quantity demanded) – what the seller/supplier will do, is adjust the price in such a way that only 5 apples are demanded – thereby equalising the quantity of apples demanded (from 10 to 5 apples) to the quantity supplied (5 apples). (If you have to read the above paragraph a few times to understand it clearly: do so.)

How will the price be adjusted to drop the quantity demanded? The price will be raised. Why? Because the general rule is that at a lower price, the quantity demanded increases and at a high price, the quantity demanded decreases. You can relate this to your own experiences: when something is cheap, you’ll be inclined to buy more of it than when it is expensive. For instance, when there are sales on clothes, you may come home with 5 full bags of newly purchased clothes when, usually, you would maybe only buy a few items at a time. So, when 10 apples are demanded and 5 apples are supplied, the supplier will increase the price of an apple, until only 5 people are left who are willing to pay the higher price.

Logically – if 10 apples are supplied but only 5 apples are demanded, the opposite will happen. A supplier wants to sell all of his 10 apples. So – to get more people to be willing to buy his apples, he will lower the price of an apple, until 10 people are willing to pay the lower price. Again, herein equalising the quantity demanded (from 5 to 10 apples) to the quantity supplied (10 apples).

So – now you understand the principles of supply and demand and how they influence prices.

Since a currency exchange rate is nothing more than the price of a certain currency, exchange rates are subject to supply and demand as well – and that is why currency exchange rates change all the time; due to changes in the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied.

In our example:

The more foreign countries want to import corn from South Africa, the higher the quantity of South African Rands demanded (remember, they first have to buy the currency before they can pay for the corn with it), the more the price of South African Rands – or the exchange rate – will rise.

The less foreign countries want to import corn from South Africa, the lower the quantity of South African Rands demanded, the more the price of South African Rands – or the exchange rate – will fall.

There – doesn’t that make economy look a whole lot less scary already?

If you’re not satisfied with the current economic system and the consequence of it within the world, it is important to investigate how it works and to stand equal and one with those that are currently running the show. The first step herein is to educate ourselves on how the system operates and how they’re manipulating it to suit their needs. Even if economy seems like a big, scary monster: it’s not – it’s just another system.